Dec 15, 2014


Hi there crafty peeps!  It is time again for a new challenge at Craft Hoarders Anonymous.  Gloria is challenging us to use our hoard to create something travel related.

Many of us travel around the holidays, so let's celebrate our adventures! Dig into your hoard and find some items that are vacation or travel themed. Do you have a hoard of cruise ship ephemera? Do you have a box of transportation stamps? Do you have a stash of camping themed papers? Or piles of Disney embellishments? Show them off! Create a vacation or travel themed project for us!

I don't usually blog about my scrapbooking, but it is how I started in this wonderful papercrafting hobby.  I decided to create a layout from one of the pictures of my husband and I during our Honeymoon in Disney World.  All of the papers and embellishments were taken from my overflowing stash of Disney related items I have been collecting for my album.  I hope you enjoy.  Head on over to the other DT blogs to see what fun things they have created!

Wendi Robinson


  1. Amber, I just love the bold graphic design of this fun layout! The colors, the layers...all are just fantastic!

  2. So fun & pretty...what a great honeymoon!! I will miss you and will be following!! Big Hugs!!

  3. I love your layout and wish I could pull something like this off. I tried scrapbooking years ago and just didn't take to it. I'm always envious of those that can do it!

  4. What a fabulous scrapbook page. I like the layout & of course the disney color theme. :D I enjoyed being a Guest Designer at Craft Hoarders Anonymous.
    Deborah xxx
